Sunday, November 23, 2008

On Calls

After more than seven years in the parish I had never received a call to serve another congregation. Truth is I was not seeking a call - but I had not received one to consider. Then, curiously, I received two calls in a little over a month. One in September and one in October. As of this morning I have declined both. In both cases I declined not so much because I didn't want to go "there" but because I felt that I should stay here.

In going through the process I learned much. Below are some observations:

1. Having another parish call you to serve as their pastor is a most humbling experience. It makes you think - "Really? Me?"

2. It is encouraging to speak to other people in other parishes who love their parish and their Lord.

3. It is very healthy to face the prospect of moving on and consider the reasons to stay.

4. Facing a potential change is rejuvenating.

5. It is hard to tell a congregation you decline the call.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Check out the Latest Canadian Lutheran

Check out the latest Canadian Lutheran (October 2008)! I was again privileged to be asked to write something for it. This was a first - my piece was added to a number of others to make one article! Anyway - here it is if you can't get your hands on a hard copy:

Also, check out the interview with our new Synodical president!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I don't know if Barrack Obama is a good guy or a bad guy. Who can tell with the media. However, I am a little uncomfortable with some of the right wing Christian reaction to his election. "Socialist!" "Communist!" They seem to think that because he has been elected the sky is falling. They seem to have lost sight of the fact that the Republican/Democrat political spectrum is not all there is to the poiltical spectrum. There is an entire planet out there beyond the USA's borders. The truth is - the Democrats are likely right politically than the Conservatives in Canada! So, to my American friends, calm down.
Barrack Obama also has me thinking - I would not want to be him. People have such high expectations. The poor man does not have a chance. Change? Well, let's not forget there is a system in place. It takes a long time to make "change." I am wondering how long it will take for people to get bored with the little "changes" that can occur in a huge system.
And finally, to conclude this somewhat random Barrack themed thought cluster - did you hear his speach on the night he was elected? That was preaching. Making the same point in several different ways but always returning to the central point. A little "sermon illustration" of the 100 year old lady voter. Some repetition at the end (very Bob the Builder I must point out - yeah I have kids). That was a sermon. Effective. Well done. But it was in the style of a sermon. How intriguing.

Friday, November 7, 2008

TDP Carrying Case Cover

OK, so I just finsihed praying Vespers with TDP. I know - it is a little early for Vespers but I wanted to give it a try. It is wasy to follow. A great resource - just a I surmised from my review of the digital version.

I didn't order the carrying case cover for TDP. Did any of you? Is it helpful?

It's Arrived!

OK, I can stop whining now. My bonded leather edition of The Treasury of Daily Prayer arrived this afternoon. I just opened the box. I have some work to get through this afternoon and then I am going to dive into it for a while. I can't wait to start using it for my Matins Services next week!

After familiarzing myself with it and also with the small group who joins me for Matins each morning - I am thinking of having the parish buy 3-4 copies to have on hand for such Services. However, I also want to encourage the members of our parish to purchase their own for their own daily use at home.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Package in the Mail....

My wife arrives home from the post office. She carries a box- about the right size. It was shipped from St. Louis from Concordia Publishing House. Surely this is it! Surely this is the long awaited Treasury of Daily Prayer! I take the package. It feels about the right weight. I carefully cut through the packing tape. I get the glimpse of the maroon coloured book inside. "This is it!" I declare to all around. I remove the packing paper. Lectionary: Series B.

Still waiting up in Canada for my TDP.

Next year I order the One Year Series.