Thursday, August 14, 2008

From the Lacking a Sense of the Holy File....

Read this..... I promise you won't see this any time soon at Our Saviour Lutheran!
Vicar George Brigham, right, conducts the marriage ceremony of Darren McWalters, left, and Katie Hodgson, as they fly over the English countryside near Rendcomb airfield, England, Tuesday Aug. 5, 2008. The wedding service for McWalters, 24, and Hodgson, 23, was conducted over an airborne communications system, with the ceremony played through loud speakers to the congregation waiting on the ground below.(AP Photo/ Barry Batchelor-pa)
So I assume the Vicar in question is of the Anglican church. What would posses a clergyman to agree to such a ceremony? I mean all of us parish pastors have done things we regret or "given in" when we should have said "no." But this? Yikes. What's next - flying funerals?

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