Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I don't know if Barrack Obama is a good guy or a bad guy. Who can tell with the media. However, I am a little uncomfortable with some of the right wing Christian reaction to his election. "Socialist!" "Communist!" They seem to think that because he has been elected the sky is falling. They seem to have lost sight of the fact that the Republican/Democrat political spectrum is not all there is to the poiltical spectrum. There is an entire planet out there beyond the USA's borders. The truth is - the Democrats are likely right politically than the Conservatives in Canada! So, to my American friends, calm down.
Barrack Obama also has me thinking - I would not want to be him. People have such high expectations. The poor man does not have a chance. Change? Well, let's not forget there is a system in place. It takes a long time to make "change." I am wondering how long it will take for people to get bored with the little "changes" that can occur in a huge system.
And finally, to conclude this somewhat random Barrack themed thought cluster - did you hear his speach on the night he was elected? That was preaching. Making the same point in several different ways but always returning to the central point. A little "sermon illustration" of the 100 year old lady voter. Some repetition at the end (very Bob the Builder I must point out - yeah I have kids). That was a sermon. Effective. Well done. But it was in the style of a sermon. How intriguing.


Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

I'm not about to pull an Alec Baldwin and make false promises about leaving the country just because Obama won, but I'll admit I'm not overenthusiastic about his election. (And just to be clear, it's not because he's black.)

If you look at his economic and health care plans, it's certainly not capitalistic. What would you call it?

And of course it was a sermon. When the new messiah speaks, you should expect it to be a sermon--parable included.

Actually, I thought it was more of a litany:

Obama: Yada, yada, yada. Yes we can.
Response: YES WE CAN!
Obama: Yada, yada, yada. Yes we can.
Response: YES WE CAN!
Obama: Yada, yada, yada. Yes we can.
Response: YES WE CAN!

Mike Keith said...


In Canada, of course, we have socialized health care. I think there are + and - to it. I think if you find Obama socialist you would not enjoy your move to Canada :-).

For me the major concerns would be the social policies regarding abortion, etc.

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

I have the same concerns about his social policies.

And yeah, having gone to school in St. Catharines for three years, I learned enought about Canada to know that I probably wouldn't want to live there, though God knows I'd go where He sent me.

Mike Keith said...


You mean you would come to Nineveh? ;-)

Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr. said...

I go where the Lord sends me. So yes, I would return to the wicked Nineveh.

Waterford Glass Cutting said...

This is a greaat post