Friday, April 3, 2009


So I just sit down in my study at the church this morning, warm cup of coffee in my hand, and I am just getting the wheels turning on the sermon for Palm Sunday (with some other stuff bubbling in the background of my brain for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter) and the phone rings. I answer. There is that dreaded delay. Oh, I know what is coming now... likely a blast of a ship's horn and a voice telling me I have won a cruise or someone giving me a dire warning that the insurance on my "vehicle" has run out and I better make haste to call this number to renew. Nope. Not this time... this time a very pleasant woman asks if she can talk to someone senior in management or someone senior in the company. I pause for a split second and then without thinking it just came out of my mouth: "Nope." She chuckles slightly and says back to me "Nope?" I say "Nope." She chuckles again and says, "OK, bye." I say "Bye."

That is the way all telemarketing calls should go I think.

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