Today is the day. The day to which I look forward to every year the minute the SuperBowl ends. Today, the new NFL regular season begins.
It is true, of course

, that the Canadian Football League has been playing and I am a huge fan. However, the NFL is, well, simply better. I know for some Canadians saying that amounts to treason. But I stick by it - and I think it is clear. I love watching CFL and cheer for the Roughriders avidly. But the NFL - it is a cut above.
This evening - a certain joy will fill the land.
Care to elaborate on your statement that the NFL is "better."
I am curious.
The better-ness of the NFL comes mainly from the quality of the players. All the players in the CFL are those who could not make a NFL team. Yes, some of the different rules and the size of the field changes the way some of the posiitons are played, but generally speaking the players in the NFL are better athletes.
Many Canadians will argue that our rules are better. I think that is debatable and both sets of rules have things that are good for the game.
I love them both.... but I have been a NFL fan since I was 6.
Do you like how I used the term "better-ness?"
I think you write (and speak) English very goodly, Bro Mike.
I concur. I was a Ti-Cat fan for some time until I reached university when I first saw Brett Favre throw. I was absolutely amazed!!! I had never seen anyone in the CFL throw with such power, precision, and fun. I was hooked on the NFL from that moment on.
So, needless to say: GO GREEN BAY!
It's precisely that "betterness" especially on defense that makes so many NFL games so incredibly dull, too. 4 downs + tough D= boring 3 yard rushes up the field...
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